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Writer's picturenaegelimichelle


Children usually have such a zest for life and keenly explore their environment.

As adults, we often wish that we could have just a fraction of their energy levels to cope with the demands of our day.

Today many parents often worry that their high energy, inquiring, experimenting child might be hyperactive or has ADHD!

ADHD is the acronym for a neurodevelopmental disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Symptoms include:

Inattention (not being able to keep focus).

Hyperactivity (excess movement that is not fitting to the setting).

Impulsivity (hasty acts that occur at the moment without thought).

ADHD should only be diagnosed through a Medical Practitioner evaluation.

On the plus side, though, it is good to know that children’s high energy levels are perfectly normal.

They are like little ‘energizer bunnies’ until they become more confident in their accomplishments and abilities. Their desire to test and expand their environment seems to grow until then.

Parents can manage the motion:

• Sport is a positive outlet for excessive energy

• Encourage outside playtime. Hours in front of the television or on hand-held devices should be monitored and limited.

• Watch your child’s food intake and limit the unhealthy overload of sugar drinks and eats.

• Reward positive behaviour and be consistent in your boundaries set.

Should you, however, notice that your child is unable to control their impulses and emotion, pay attention or respond appropriately in school or at home? Set your mind at ease, have your child examined by a medical doctor, and be correctly diagnosed.

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