Most young children tend to “want to do things by themselves”.
This is the beginning of independence, and parents must encourage this!
However, that does not always make tasks easy. Many parents often feel that children cannot get anything done unless prompted and nagged.
Independence, however, is a vital skill for primary school. It inspires the child’s motivation for learning and success in school, after graduation in the global job market, and for life in a world of constant changes in technology.
How to help your child develop the independence they will need to thrive at primary school:
Make a list of things they could be doing for themselves, such as dressing themselves, brushing their teeth, completing some homework independently etc.
As they learn these skills, allocate extra time to complete these tasks. Parents, therefore, need to plan their busy mornings or evenings.
Give them household responsibilities – be realistic in your expectations and do not expect perfection.
Introduce choices with limited options.
Help your children solve problems independently.
Make use of rewards.
Be prepared to make some compromises, i.e. “Do not sweat the small stuff”.
Be positive about independence – praise, praise, praise and praise.
Independence promotes confidence, self-esteem, motivation, and perseverance. A wonderful gift to give to your child!